Help your employees succeed

Financial wellness for your company that delivers results.

Everything your employees need

A personal financial plan for every employee

Each employee gets a personal playbook for their path to financial wellness.

With Wallet1000 every one of your employees receives a financial plan personalized to their goals and unique circumstances. It provides them a series of actionable steps to make progress towards their goals as well as a budget, a personal financial timeline, a retirement plan, and reports that cover debt, insurance needs, and net worth.

Your employees will be happy to see what they can do today, next week, and next month to make progress towards their dream of owning a home, putting a child through college, and one day retiring without worry.

Wallet1000 Retirement Planning

Simple. Actionable. Consistent.

Personal finances can be complicated. They don't need to be.

Financial Plan

A financial plan personalized for each employee.

No generic financial wellness content here. Each employee will receive a simple financial plan that is customized based on their individual circumstances.

Wallet1000 Financial Wellness Score Phone


Personal finance content that makes it easy to take action.

Our personal finance email courses provide short and actionable content each week. Each has a clear takeaway that will help an individual's personal finances.

Wallet1000 Personal Finance Email Course Subscriptions Phone

Follow Up

Automated email follow up that reinforces action

Users receive optional email follow up that gently nudges them to take their next step on their path to improve their personal finances.

Wallet1000 Email Summary Phone

Building strong foundations today for a more prosperous tomorrow

We truly believe strong financial foundations make better employees and better employees build a better company.

Start today

Financial wellness highlights your benefits

With Wallet1000 they will learn the monetary advantages of participating your company's other benefits including:

  • 401(k) plan
  • Employer matching
  • HSA
  • Flexspending
  • Remote working
  • Life and disability insurance
  • Professional development, training, and/or tuition reimbursement
  • ESOP
Wallet1000 Highlights Employee Benefits

Get in touch

Enter your contact information, and we will reach out and explore how Wallet1000 can be the next benefit your employees love you for.